Volume rendering


Before starting this lesson, you should be familiar with:

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, learners should be able to:
  • Understand the concepts and some methodes of 3-D rendering.

  • Appreciate that 3-D rendering can be challenging for some data.

  • Perform basic volume rendering using a software tool.


Intuitively grasping 3-D shapes requires visualisation of the whole object. This is not possible when just looking at one or several slices of a 3-D data set. Thus is it important about different volume rendering techniques that can create a 3-D appearance of the whole image. This is especially useful for sparse data, where individual 2-D slices only contain a small subset of the relevant information.

Concept map

graph TD D("3-D image data") --> R("Volume rendering") R --> A("2-D image with 3-D appearance") R -->|VR| AA("Two 2-D images (one per eye)") R ---|has| M("Many methods and settings...")


Volume rendering examples.

Volume rendering software

Software Multi-Channel Time-lapse Max-Projection Volume Iso-Surface
ImageJ 3Dscript                  
ImageJ 3D viewer N N N Y Y        
ImageJ ClearVolume (Upate Site) Y Y Y N N        
ImageJ Volume Viewer N N Y Y N        



True or False


  • TODO

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