After completing this lesson, learners should be able to:
Automatically process a number of images
Scientific discovery is based on reproducibility. Thus, it is very common to apply the same analysis workflow to a number of images, possibly comprising different biological conditions. To achieve this, it is very important to know how to efficiently “batch process” many images.
Concept map
graph TD
I1("Image 1") --> S("Analysis workflow")
I2("Image 2") --> S
IN("...") --> S
S --> R1("Result 1")
S --> R2("Result 2")
S --> RN("...")
Batch processing of several images, yielding as many segmentations and object measurement tables.
Adapt this workflow for automated batch analysis of many images
Start by building the skeleton of the workflow without filling in the functionality;
Note that the pseudo-code below will run fine, but does not produce any results:
FUNCTION analyse(image_path, output_folder)
PRINT "Analyzing:", image_path
FOR each image_path in image_paths
CALL analyse(image_path, output_dir)
Make sure the loop with the (almost) empty analyse function runs without error before filling in the image analysis steps
Inspect the analysis results in a suitable software
Show activity for:
ImageJ SciJava Macro
2D Nuclei area measurement
Update site: IJPB-Plugins (MorpholibJ)
// Scijava script parameters
// Use the [ Batch ] button in the Fiji script editor to automatically analyse multiple files
#@ File (label=”Input image”) inputImageFile
#@ File (label=”Output directory”, style=”directory”) outputDir
// Processing parameters
threshold = 25;
// Clean up and avoid popping up of image windows during run
run(“Close All”);
run(“Clear Results);
// init options
run(“Options…”, “iterations=1 count=1 black do=Nothing”);
// open and process
// extract image name to create output file names (s.b.)
imageName = File.getNameWithoutExtension(inputImageFile);
# %%
# Batch analysis of 2D nuclei shape measurements
# %%
# Import python modules
fromOpenIJTIFFimportopen_ij_tiff,save_ij_tifffromskimage.measureimportlabel,regionprops_tablefromskimage.filtersimportthreshold_otsuimportpandasaspdimportpathlibfrompathlibimportPath# %%
# Create a function that analyses one image
# Below, this function will be called several times, for all images
defanalyse(image_filepath,output_folder):# This prints which image is currently analysed
print("Analyzing:",image_filepath)# Convert the image_filepath String to a Path,
# which is more convenient to create the output files
image_filepath=pathlib.Path(image_filepath)image,axes,scales,units=open_ij_tiff(image_filepath)# Binarize the image using auto-thresholding
threshold=threshold_otsu(image)print("Threshold:",threshold)binary_image=image>threshold# Perform connected components analysis (i.e create labels)
# Note that label returns 32 bit data which save_ij_tif below can't handle.
# We can safely convert to 16 bit as we know that we don't have too many objects
label_image=label(binary_image).astype('uint16')# Save the labels
label_image_filepath=output_folder/f"{image_filepath.stem}_labels.tif"save_ij_tiff(label_image_filepath,label_image,axes,scales,units)# Measure calibrated (scaled) nuclei shapes
df=pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(label_image,properties={'label','area','centroid'},spacing=scales))# Round all measurements to 2 decimal places.
# This increases the readability a lot,
# but depending on your scientific question,
# you may not want to round that much!
df=df.round(2)# Add the image and label filepaths to the data-frame
df['image']=image_filepathdf['labels']=label_image_filepath# Return the data-frame
returndf# %%
# Assign an output folder
# Note: This uses your current working directory; you may want to change this to another folder on your computer
output_dir=Path.cwd()# %%
# Create a list of the paths to all data
image_paths=[output_dir/"xy_8bit__mitocheck_incenp_t1.tif",output_dir/"xy_8bit__mitocheck_incenp_t70.tif"]# Create an empty list for the measurement results
result_dfs=[]# %%
# The loop which performs the analysis
forimage_pathinimage_paths:# Computes the analysis and returns a data-frame with the resulting measurements
result_df=analyse(image_path,output_dir)# Append the label image path to the list initialized before the loop
result_dfs.append(result_df)# %%
# Concatenate the result data-frames to a single one which contains all results
final_df=pd.concat(result_dfs,ignore_index=True)# Save the final results to disk
Fill in the blanks
If you have thousands of images to process you should consider using a ___ .
Batch processing refers to __ processing many data sets.